About Us.
Welcome to Surrey Paediatric Courses. We are passionate about supporting junior doctors in their careers. We currently run face-to-face MRCPCH clinical examination courses 3 times a year. We provide pre-course material, small group teaching, a full mock examination with patients, and mentors who provide continuous coaching.
If you would like to find out more about our MRCPCH Clinical Exam Coaching Course, please email surreypaediatriccourses@gmail.com. To register for our next course, please follow the 'Clinicals Course' link in the menu.
Our Team.
Our team have been coaching junior doctors in preparation for the clinical exam for many years. We share the same vision: develop the structure, communication skills and confidence in each individual so that they are successful in the exam. Our course is supportive and fun with a constant supply of refreshments! We tailor feedback to individuals and enable peer learning and feedback. We could not run the course without our fantastic examiners, actors, admin support and the support of the paediatric department at St Peter's Hospital. But above all, what makes our course so special are the patients and their families who volunteer their time to support the development of paediatricians. We give any profits from the course to the play team at St Peter's Hospital so they can continue to develop the resources available to children and young people in the paediatric department.
Profit Donation.
In December 2023, following our first year of courses, we donated all our profits to the play team at St Peter’s Hospital. The play team received £1000 and bought a range of fantastic sensory equipment and new uniform.
In December 2024, we donated £1000 to the East Surrey Hospital's play team. They will be using the money to purchase equipment that helps prepare children for procedures, for example, central line insertion.
A big thank you to all the children who volunteer their time to educate junior doctors. Not only do you help doctors learn about conditions children live with, but you have also raised a huge amount of money to buy hospital equipment; by volunteering your time, you help so many children. You are true heroes!